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ISO 27001, TISAX®, IT-SiKat, SzA, B3S, KRITIS, VAIT, IT security catalog, VDA ISA, attack detection systems, pharmaceuticals, food retail, hospitals, hosting, CDN, traffic control systems, control systems, food industry, aggregators, data centers, ISO 27017, ISO 27019, ISO 27701


Providing ISMS Audit Coaching (worldwide) to prepare for an official audit.

Audit Bases 


  • ISO 27001, ISO 27017, ISO 27019


  • IT Security Catalog
    §11 1a & 1b EnWG)

  • Industry-Specific Security Standard
    (B3S KRITIS)

  • Guidance and specification of the requirements for the measures to be implemented in accordance with §8a section 1 of the BSIG

What clients and cooperation partners say:

"A complete professional, through and through! As part of a comprehensive ISO 27001 certification, Mr. Borgers gave us crucial recommendations as part of a thirty-party audit prior to the certification, so that we successfully passed the ISO 27001 certification audit right at the first attempt. His way of working was characterized by extreme care, thoroughness, foresight and outstanding specialist knowledge. Deadlines were always met on time. I can recommend Mr. Borgers without reservation. Anyone who wants to implement an ISO 27001 certification effectively is in good hands with him."
Martin Kerkmann via LinkedIn | EPLAN

Audit Coaching in preparation for an official audit

  • What is required for the audit? 

  • What should be paid particular attention to?

  • How can/must the requirements be implemented?


As experienced auditors for information security, we offer specialised audit coaching to prepare companies for audits in the areas of:

  • ISO 27001, ISO 27017, ISO 27019


  • NIS2 (Mapping)

  • VAIT

  • Industry-Specific Security Standard (B3S KRITIS)

  • Guidance and specification of the requirements for the measures to be implemented in accordance with §8a section 1 of the BSIG


Our years of experience as auditors have shown us that many companies are not adequately prepared for audits. Our objective is to empower companies to accurately interpret and implement requirements through targeted coaching.


Our coaching approach

Our approach to audit coaching is not only to prepare your organisation for audits, but also to promote a deep understanding and ownership of information security and processes.

  • Independent interpretation and implementation
    We place great emphasis on your team developing the ability to independently interpret and implement requirements. This means that we guide you through the process without taking responsibility for implementation. Our goal is to enable your team to understand and apply the requirements themselves.

  • Practice-oriented learning methods
    We use practice-oriented methods that aim to look at the real scenarios in your company and thereby create a deeper understanding of the requirements. This includes maturity assessments, workshop sessions and interactive discussions that are specifically tailored to your company's needs.

  • Focus on sustainability
    Our coaching approach aims to create sustainable structures in your organisation. We help you to establish the right people, processes, policies and control mechanisms that will last over the long term.

  • Adaptation to company specifics
    We understand that every organisation is unique. Therefore, we adapt our coaching to the specific needs and challenges of your company. This ensures that the learned practices and principles are directly applicable to your organisation.

  • Preparing for self-representation in the audit
    Ein zentraler Aspekt unseres Coachings ist die Vorbereitung Ihres Teams darauf, im Audit selbst die richtigen Antworten zu geben und die Prüfer effektiv zu informieren. Dies stärkt das Vertrauen und die Kompetenz Ihres Teams und minimiert das Risiko von Missverständnissen während des Audits.

  • Avoiding dependencies
    Our coaching is designed to equip you with the skills and knowledge to become independent of external consultants. We provide you with the necessary expertise and resources to meet requirements independently, including those of the NIS2 directive. This ensures that your company can handle information security independently and effectively in the long term.


Our coaching is more than just preparation for audits – it is an investment in the future of your organisation in terms of information security and compliance.

ISMS ConsultantGPT


Document Validation

The service is provided remotely via video conference, can be booked flexibly on an hourly basis and scheduled directly in our online calendar. This service is provided remotely via video conference, can be flexibly booked on an hourly basis and scheduled directly in our online calendar. Our experts review the documentation online with you and ensure that it meets the requirements of the chosen standard.

ISO 27001, B3S, KRITIS, IT-SiKat, TISAX®, VAIT, VDA ISA, §8a BSIG, KritisV, ISO 27002, IT security catalog, ISO 27019, §11 1a EnWG, §11 1b EnWG

You have questions regarding the


Sometimes a direct conversation is simply unbeatable. Please do not hesitate to arrange a free conversation via our telephone calendar!


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TISAX® is a registered trademark of the ENX Association. AUDIT MANUFAKTUR has no business relationship with ENX. The mention of the TISAX® trademark does not constitute a statement by the trademark owner regarding the suitability of the services advertised here. TISAX® assessments to obtain labels are only carried out by the testing service providers listed on the ENX homepage. In our function as auditors for certification bodies, we are prohibited for several years from certifying companies that we have previously supported in the field of information security. This regulation ensures the impartiality and integrity of the certification process.

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